“The birth of a new shining star in the concert sky”
This was what the “Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten” wrote after the debut concert of this ensemble in Dresden in spring 2012. And actually the meeting of two international stars of the classic guitar scene with two outstanding protagonists of the modern acoustic guitar scene was able to get the enthusiasm of its audience and critics at the same time in no time at all. Like this they have already been invited to festivals all around the world directly after their debut (for example to the biggest Scandinavian concert festival in Bergen/Norway or the “MDR-Musiksommer” just as to festivals in Austria, Switzerland, India an South-America). Even more they attracted other musicians like Giora Feidmann with their music.
One could call “DANZA” the Quartet’s current program, because it unites/combines highly intense, brilliant, vivacious music out of two worlds – South-America and Europe – to a sweeping journey of sound. There is the unique arrangement of Music made by Astor Piazolla facing the sonorous compositions of the virtouso Nicolo Paganini just as the complicated rhythms of Balkan dances (D. Bogdanovic). Futhermore one can listen to the music by Thomas Fellow and Reentko as well, which is a up-to-date/contemporary embrace of concert music, Worldmusic and Jazz.
ZORAN DUKIC (CRO) Is looking back at more successful competitions which he finished first place than any other guitar player in the world. He is leading some of the most successful mainsubject classes of several European colleges and captivates the audience with his unbelievably dynamic virtuosity.
PAVEL STEIDL (CZ) is considered to be an icon on his instrument. His interpretations of classicromantic music are unique and inimitably intense. He played himself into a position among the best of his subject by playing concerts in all part of the world and attending the most important festivals.
THOMAS FELLOW (D) is one of the top acoustic guitar players and became one of the most successful and shaping accompanists on the guitar. Last but not least because of his innovative play with “Friend’n Fellow” (after far over 1000 concerts among others with Ray Charles, Luther Allison and Tommy Emmanuel).
REENTKO (D) hasn’t only received his international attention and recognition as stunning guitar and percussion player. He also made a name for himself as composer whose pieces had earned prices many times, were played in program like the one of the “Cirque du Soleil” and could be listened to in the “Semperoper” in Dresden.
These four musicians – everyone a name in music business himself – set themselves on the task of connecting the concertante tradition of the instrument with expressive, dynamic sounds of modern times.
A summit of guitar music.
The European Guitar Quartet played an impressive debut at the beginning of the “String Spring Festival” in Dresden!
A magical embrace of classical music and Worldmusic.
The birth of a new shining star in the guitar sky at the beginning of the festival! This is by no means overestimated. What the two classic icons Pavel Steidl (CZ) and Zoran Dukic (CRO) produced as if by magic in association with Thomas Fellow and Reentko from Dresden commanded even the critic’s respect at their debut as European Guitar Quartet. Next o all the genius interpretations of tango-legend Astor Piazolla’s compositions the composition “Danza non Danza” of Reentko drew the attention of the audience. While Steidl and Dukic were more likely to sound the depth of phrasing, Fellow and Dirks tried to embed the classics in a rhythmically tasteful way. Classical music meets Worldmusic, interpretation meets innovation, Romantic (Steidl) and Balkan Folklore (Dukic) meet Groove (Fellow) and Percussion (Reentko) – an up to now well-made experiment, carried by hight mutual respect.
Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten
Enthusiastic celebrated final concert. Four different talents and characters presented music in front of a dedicated, and from the start responsive audience, which frenetically applauded in the end.
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